But besides being the patronus of Harry Potter himself, the stag is a symbol of heroic behavior and innate strength, which are both things that represent an Aries very well. Having a deerhound Patronus means you are unbelievably determined and work hard to achieve your ambitions. In reality, you (along with sharks) make excellent leaders, even if you can be a bit intimidating sometimes. Rest assured that the swifts upbeat and cheerful personality will drive away any darkness brought on by a Dementor. Casters of this Patronus tend to be visionaries, quick-witted, and guardians. We've seen a huge variety of results, ranging from sparrows, cats, and dogs to rhinos and orangutans . I. . Additionally, tigers are strong swimmers, sometimes swimming over 15 miles per day! As any true Harry Potter fan would know, the Patronus of any person is its most powerful guide, protector and charm against some of the worst creatures, Dementors. Luckily for you, a Westie Patronus can sense when a Dementor is close and warn you. It's one of the most, if not the, most coveted Harry Potter Patronuses for all of these reasons. You are guaranteed either a dragon, unicorn, thestral, hippogriff, or another magical creature. Falcons wings are thin and tapered so that they can go this fast, enabling them to change direction quickly. However, they are also very noble and symbolize virtue. This Patronus will go to any means to protect you from even the sneakiest and most cruel Dementors. Stoats are a type of weasel. Edmond, Oklahoma. Those who have this Patronus are strong and resilient. They have strong jaws for devouring their prey, and they are fiercely protective and loyal of their territory and young. While they are very loyal, they can be extremely opinionated and strong-willed, but of course, they have a soft side too. They are very determined and goal-oriented. This Patronus is represented by some form of animal or creature native to the Wizarding World, and represents our innermost character traits, standing up for us when we need it most, and shouting Expecto Patronum!, RELATED:The Best and Most Iconic Harry Potter Spells. After her career as an actress, Robin found a love of writing and analyzing television and film, and thus pursued a degree in Communication from the University of Utah. A buffalo Patronus symbolizes strength, loyalty, and unbridled determination. These massive dogs look intimidating and will easily scare off any Dementor that intends to harm you. People with the Libra Patronus will often feel vulnerable when they're away from the pack. If you have a field mouse Patronus, you are probably a great listener, very kind and caring, and more than likely a member of Hufflepuff House. Legend says swans could remove their skin and turn into fair maidens, so they are often associated with transformation. One thing you can always count on with a white stallion Patronus is they will never back down from a battle and will protect you with everything they have against a Dementor. The wizard has reached an acceptance of mortality or at least needs and strives to. Russian Blue Cats are exquisite, regal creatures associated with peace, light, harmony, and life. Those with Unicorn Patronuses are ultimately healers, while also possessing a certain shy or even mysterious quality. If your Patronus is an eagle owl, then you likely enjoy time to yourself, and you gain energy from solitude. Those with this Patronus can channel their passion into achieving their dreams. No matter the time or the place, your lynx Patronus will stealthily attack even the strongest of Dementors. Those with the Hippogriff Patronus are among the most sincere and loyal characters in the Wizarding World, violently defensive of anyone they care about; and also secretly forgiving, even of enemies, allowing them to grow and change over time. So, your python Patronus will have no problem taking down any size Dementor. They are very headstrong and have fantastic eyesight. Their eyesight is so incredible that they can often spot small rodents over 200 feet away! The entire list of possibilities is as follows: Adder Aardvark Abraxan Winged Horse Badger Bat Basset Hound Bay Mare Bay Stallion Beagle Black Bear Black Mare Black Mamba Black Stallion Black Swan Black and White Cat Blackbird Bloodhound Borzoi Brown Bear Brown Hare Brown Owl Buffalo Buzzard Calico Cat Capuchin Monkey Cheetah Chestnut Mare This Patronus will never back down in the face of fear but will fight back fiercely. This is one of the best Patronuses to send a dark Dementor on its way. Known for its insightfulness, intelligence and sharp senses, the Snowy Owl is among the rarest Patronuses reserved only for those with a deep love for learning and keen perception. You might be surprised to know that pythons are gentle giants that can be very shy even though they are one of the biggest species of snakes. Sparrowhawks are very alert and driven birds who will not stop until they have achieved their set goal much like the witches and wizards who cast this Patronus. Lucky for you, this wise Patronus is a fierce defender. So maybe their next conquest is taking down a Dementor! Sometimes thought of as more dog-like, these cats are curious, playful, and love to be affectionate. You will see these characteristics described thoroughly in this article. They are very sure of themselves and confident in their decisions. You can also find a list of all the Harry Potter spells (including the correct pronunciation, origin, and description). They are also curious birds that can sense danger from far away. These animals are usually timid, but handle lifes obstacles with grace and poise. But they can also be a bit chaotic. Although bats are commonly associated with fear, they actually represent rebirth. A Tonkinese cat is a mix between a Siamese and a Burmese cat. They gravitate towards those similar to themselves and value their ancestry, again just like Slytherins. 1. A daunting magical creature with thick skin and razor-sharp horns, they don't scare easy and will refuse to back down. They also have a giant horn that is sharp enough to pierce metal, causing whatever it hit to explode. Deerhound. If you have a sparrow Patronus, then you are probably a very social person. If you have this Patronus, people might misunderstand or underestimate you, but you consistently prove yourself to be trustworthy, strong, and reliable. Traits of someone with a Hyena Cunning and clever. She has also been published on Hercampus.com. Likely you are free-spirited, and you take care of others. However, do not let their appearance fool you because, in reality, they are pranksters and clowns. Seals range in stature but can reach lengths over 7 feet and weigh over 7,000 pounds! Some folklore interprets that rarity to mean great fame will come your way when a spotted horse crosses your path. Being an erumpent patronus personality means you are strong and determined. Pheasants are big-hearted, regal birds who sometimes struggle with pride, which gets them into sticky situations. They are not only determined but intelligent and wise too. Oryxes have a unique defensive technique where they surround their young to safeguard them from predators. They will never act viciously toward you but will be the most loyal best friend you could ever have. being both Severus Snapes and Lily Potters Patronus. You spark both fear and respect in your enemies. Those with a fox Patronus are usually thought of as crafty, devious, sly, and calculating animals much like Slytherins. However, do not let their beauty fool you; they are fighters when the need arises. Those who have a falcon Patronus are known to have a dark side and a distraught soul. The Hogwarts Houses are associated with the elements, and herons are unique because they reside in three elements earth, water, and air. Witches and wizards who conjure the buzzard Patronus are focused, honest, somewhat introverted, but have excellent communication skills. It can be a large family or a close group of friends. The Adder Patronus represents determination, cunning, and being free-spirited. Those with the Fire-Dwelling Salamander Patronus are capable of handling any challenge, while keeping their heads held high. Lucky for you, they are also intuitive, meaning they know just the right time to strike during a fight. Nightjars are medium-sized birds that many refer to as goatsuckers because, as the legend goes, they were seen in fields sucking milk from goats. Rest assured, this Patronus will fight hard for you. When facing a Dementor, this Patronus will take charge quickly and send the Dementor running for the hills. Even though they are tiny, hummingbirds are big protectors. Since Dementors thrive on fear and darkness, this is a great Patronus to bring happiness and light to defeat them. I got a wildcat for Slytherin House! Many associate lions with bravery, courage, and heroism granted, it is the mascot of Gryffindor House. They are not easily ruffled and prefer to keep the peace. RELATED: Slytherins Who Weren't Entirely Evil. In general, people associate snowy owls with magic, wisdom, and the future. They charge down their enemies and use their horns to spear them if necessary. They are also generally associated with light, and therefore all of the . It is a very challenging spell that produces a magical creature specific to the one who casts it. They can be highly aggressive when threatened and swallow their prey without a single bite. Dementors will be sorry they ever dared to mess with you when a mother lioness comes for them. You will most likely find a leopard lounging on a tree branch during the day since it primarily hunts at night. You might be a member of Slytherin House if this is your Patronus. Just like other horse Patronuses, they represent true freedom. You are likely very loving and affectionate towards those around you. They are determined and will always get the job done, especially when it comes to a Dementor. Bay Mares are gentle and compassionate, but they are also strong and resilient. However, this Patronus is not one you should ever underestimate. Its likely that your loved ones rely on you the same way. This Patronus will stand up to any Dementor fearlessly and wont back down from even the scariest battles. Black mambas can easily outrun any human, they do not use their speed as a predator, but to flee from danger. Bloodhounds will set their sights on a Dementor with its keen sense of smell and relentlessly chase it away. They fly freely and happily, with an unwitting determination that only someone truly powerful could possess. Lynxes are large, furry wildcats that are naturally skilled, night hunters. Irish wolfhounds are reserved, soft-spoken, and patient creatures. Having a dragon Patronus means you are a remarkable leader and firmly hold your beliefs. It's hair, tails and even exploding fluid is used in potions though considered dangerous. These beautiful and laid-back cats like to keep the peace and avoid conflict at all costs like the witches and wizards that cast this Patronus. An orca Patronus is a formidable force indeed. One of the quickest beings alive within the Wizarding World, the Granian Winged Horse is named after a character from Norse Mythology (Grani) who was capable of running faster than wind, itself. They are known as watchful guardians of their territory and can be vicious if provoked. Not only are they determined, but very friendly and easy-going as well. This magical creature is a three-headed snake native to Africa. This creature is a cross between a bird and a serpent, and usually, Ravenclaw or Gryffindor House members summon them. Only an exceptional and unique witch or wizard produces a white mare Patronus. The term piebald in piebald mare refers to the horses color. The Fire-Dwelling Salamander is one of the most unique magical creatures in the Harry Potter universe. Those who conjure this Patronus are sociable and have a playful side to them, but they are also fierce protectors when necessary. Since only people who have witnessed death can see thestrals, many associate them with loss of life. People with this Patronus likely place value in other peoples opinions of them and how they look. Hummingbirds can reach speeds of up to 45 mph, and the smallest species weighs a mere 1.95 grams! As a creature from the Wizarding World, the Erumpent is very interesting it has been suggested that their power can be used to inject even the most dangerous Dementor with positive thoughts, causing the Dementor to explode. If you're embarrassed by your Patronus, you're not alone these are the lamest 'Harry Potter' spirit animals you can get. You also have high standards and goals you set for yourself, but you work very hard and usually achieve them. Orangutans share behaviors and skills they have learned over time with their young, and some can use objects as tools. This positive Patronus will surely send a dark Dementor on its way. You have good instincts, and you should trust them. Typically, adders will fiercely attack when threatened, which means a Dementor should be afraid of going up against this fearless Patronus. Having this Patronus means you thrive even in stressful situations, and you enjoy overcoming obstacles and difficulties. Source - patronusmeaning.tumblr A thestral Patronus is extremely rare. Dementors, beware! The Beagle Patronus symbolizes happiness, curiosity, and free-spirited nature. Although lions also have a soft side, they exhibit this in how they care for their cubs and share food with them. me too. Rare animals are marked. A black bear Patronus will fiercely protect those they love. Witches and wizards with this Patronus adapt well to most situations and understand that the difficulties in life make them stronger. Those with this Patronus exhibit a quiet inner strength that helps them remain calm even in the most stressful situations. Mine is a Winter wolf, a huge wolf that's loyal, strong, stubborn, righteous, fierce, cares for their pack, and respected. They utilize their tusks and trunks to pick up items and move them, and for defending themselves. Though blackbirds are not the most ferocious animals, they are one of the most mysterious and magical. Additionally, these cats use their excellent hearing and sight for catching prey. The deepest meaning of death and life is central to them. The clever, smart nightjar Patronus will outwit any Dementor that dares to come your way. Ravens are mysterious and intelligent, and they can mimic human sounds. HYENAS LOVE TO EAT! The Snowy Owl's piercing eyes see through facades and its distinctive white features allow it to blend into the harshest winters. Mastiff dogs are massive, broad-shouldered dogs with a big heart to match. Scroll down for an A-Z list of every Patronus. Sometimes referred to as the American pine marten, pine martens are cute but dangerous when threatened. A badger is the mascot of the Hufflepuff house animal and accurately represents famous Hufflepuff wizards such as Cedric Digory. Oct 02, 2016. You may be overly emotional or sensitive but probably view this as a weakness. You cannot miss the vibrant and dazzling plumage of a peacock. These watchful little owls dive on their prey from above, and your Patronus will do the same to your dark assailant. This Patronus will hold their ground against any Dementor. They also make wonderful pets. If you have this Patronus, you likely have a close circle of people you are loyal to for life. People with the Thestral Patronus are empathetic, realistic and have the ability to look at the bigger picture, making them deeply powerful. Those who conjure this Patronus are the epitome of what it looks like to be reliable and faithful. Dementors wont know what hit them. The Patronus Quiz is an interactive feature added to Pottermore on the 22nd September in 2016. In general, they are not prone to aggression, but a mother owl will fiercely protect her young just like how Molly Weasley is defensive of her children. Sadly, many use unicorn blood to keep people alive at a significant cost. They will protect you no matter what. You prefer to be your own boss and do not like taking orders from others. Users may follow the story to find out their Patronus by selecting sets of timed choices with their instinct. Contents 1 The Story 2 Choices 2.1 Choice 1 2.2 Choice 2 They're motivated to keep moving and embarking on bigger and bolder journeys, even if it means leaving some things behind. Ragdoll cats are more like dogs than cats due to their kind and sweet nature, in addition to following you around everywhere. RELATED: The Most Powerful Wizards in the Harry Potter Universe, Ranked. Each individuals Patronus says a lot about their personality and who they are as a person. Those who conjure an orca Patronus frequently stand up for what they believe in and exhibit bravery in the face of fear. Updated. In this sense, the Occamy as a Patronus showcases genuine flexibility and willingness to make peace and compromise. Fox Terrier. This is the perfect Patronus to challenge a Dementor since they will never back down from a fight. In theory, these snakes are primarily harmless since they are not poisonous. However, Jack Russell terriers can also be stubborn and independent when they dont get their way. Dragonflies are small, yet mighty and very fast creatures. You are likely very in tune with your empathetic side and find fulfillment in caring for others. It's a proud creature that also has a gentle side for those who treat it with the kindness and respect it deserves. A wolf Patronus will never fail to fight for you and defend you against anything that comes your way, including a Dementor. Those with the hummingbird Patronus tend to be free-spirited and seek to enjoy life to its fullest. They are excellent communicators and care deeply for others. Crows are social animals, dependable, and protective of the people they care about. Dementors better beware of these tiny but feisty creatures. #HarryPotter #Pottermore #Patronus #hogwartslegacy I've here compiled a list of all possible Patronuses on can get on Pottermore.This list contains only the . Owners of a stag Patronus make extraordinary, influential leaders and honestly care about the wellbeing of others. These Patronuses, along with their owners, are very driven and work hard to accomplish their goals. A Dementor will never know what hit them. Calicos cats are rare, sweet-natured, and make friends quickly. Ferocious and strong, anyone with this Patronus is automatically respected (or feared) by most in the Wizarding World. The extremely rare phoenix Patronus is most famously known for being Albus Dumbledores Patronus in the Harry Potter world. If a dementor has never gone up against a fiery mother doe, then they have no idea what theyre in for. I was expecting a magnificient creature to emerge from the woods and prance around my MacBook screen. Scops owls are unique, and the owners of this Patronus are usually one-of-a-kind. As depicted by both Ravenclaws and Gryffindors, occamys are thoughtful and creative. The bat Patronus is representative of rebirth, honesty, and empathy. An occamy Patronus is said to only be conjured by a pure soul. Those with this Patronus will do anything for the people they love, including making significant sacrifices. Adders are not normally aggressive and tend to only bite when they are threatened in some way. You may not know this, but MuggleNet has over 70 volunteers that help make us the World's #1 Harry Potter site. Rarity:star: :star: What I Like: Dislike: Traits of someone with a Tonkinese Cat One of the most cunning sort of cat conjurers. Having a dun mare as your Patronus means you are probably very independent, and you go wherever life takes you. Similarly, those with this Patronus are strong, yet can be timid when not in fighting mode. The wizard has a very rare and unusual, almost unique, personality. Dementors have no idea what they are in for when they come up against this fiery Patronus. Dementors, beware! Hyenas are loyal, creative, and fierce. Along with this Patronus, you likely know how to get yourself creatively and logically out of challenging situations. Tonkinese Cat (Patronus) . Dementors would be wise to steer clear of this Patronus. Fox terriers, along with the caster of this Patronus, generally work wonderfully in groups or teams. A pekingese is a type of small dog, and those with this Patronus are very loyal, kind, and affectionate. Having an Impala as your Patronus means you likely tackle lifes challenges with ease. As far as personality traits go, the Erumpent Patronus also represents determination and a strong will. Siberian cat Patronuses and their casters are fearless, independent, and protective. The regal and unique fire-dwelling salamander Patronus is born to withstand the most difficult trials that life throws at it. Additionally, they are free-spirited, adventurous, and they know exactly who they are and stand up for what they believe in. The manx cat is a level-headed, quirky, and somewhat mischievous member of the feline family. When threatened, these creatures are a true force to be reckoned with, and with one strike of their horn, your dark assailant will explode before your eyes. It can be corporeal and non-corporeal and a wizard must learn how to summon it. Some say only deep-thinking, complex witches and wizards cast this Patronus. If their enormous size (roughly the weight of a full-grown man) does not scare off a Dementor, then just wait until this intimidating Patronus comes to your aid when it sees you are under attack. . Casters of this Patronus are often perceived as extroverted and playful, but they will defend you fiercely. An interesting fact about magpies is that when they come across a dead fellow magpie, they will use their calls to do a funeral for it. This Patronus will not be ruffled in the slightest by any Dementor, big or small. While they may not be the most talented fighters, they are observant and know the right time to strike. She is constantly underestimated and has experienced much sadness in her life, but her eccentric and carefree nature make her extremely . Basset hounds have an incredible sense of smell and make great tracking dogs, so they will do great at sniffing out a sneaky Dementor. You are a wonderful and tactful leader. One slightly terrifying aspect of the polecats hunting method is that they paralyze their prey by biting through their skull into their brain and then keeping it alive until it is ready to devour it. Gray squirrels spend months storing up food for the winter, proving just how patient they can be against even the most persistent Dementor. If you have this Patronus, then you should trust your instincts as they are usually spot on. Granian Winged Horse (very rare) Grass Snake. Having a doe Patronus means you are gentle, nurturing, and will stop at nothing to keep those you love safe. Hyena Reply more reply . A runespoor is a three-headed snake that can reach up to 7 feet in length and is commonly associated with dark magic. They are highly intelligent and simultaneously very humble. As you can guess, because they make deep and lifelong relationships, they will go to the ends of the earth to protect them, especially from a Dementor. A tigress is one of the most protective, selfless, and strong cats in the animal kingdom. This means they have loads of loyal friends that would do anything for them, and they would do the same in return. Luna Lovegood is a special witch. Lucky for you, they have great endurance and will do anything to protect you! Whether they chase their prey more for food or for fun is a mystery.