Such services or tasks always appear to advance the concept of chaos (and sometimes destruction), causing certain events to happen which sow the seeds of chaos, be it externally across the world or internally within an individual. The one on the trove isn't the book, it's just a handout for a seminar from 2007. It is probable that many such human cults were interwoven, inspired by, or instigated by deep one contact. 263 CHAPTER 2 m a l Get started with the Call of Cthulhu Starter Set Set!! Regenerates 1D6 hit points per round spent healing itself (death at zero hit points). It reforms 1D100+200 days later. Cult leaders tend to prey on the weak and disenfranchised, offering them salvation through sacrifice and a mask of hope and enlightenment. His sketch of Cthulhu may be seen at Robert Arellano's "The Lovecraft Web". Perhaps, the entitys ultimate plan is to consume all life on this world until all life is Yidhra. It is able to produce a dizzying array of appendages, organs, and limbs will, yet these mostly appear to be random and without purpose to human eyes. It reforms somewhere out in space at the Keepers discretion in 1D10 years. On the heels of his widely successful trilogy of works honoring H. P. Lovecraft, Donald Tyson now unveils a true grimoire of ritual magic inspired by the Cthulhu Mythos. About the base of the tentacles, the skin rolled back to reveal huge saucer-like eyes, some eight in number. On Earth, the Kruschtya Equation is something of myth among mathematicians. What is certain, that whether as shards or through some magical ability, Glaaki is able to manifest in a wide variety of freshwater lakes while abstaining from appearances in saltwater. Retribution is usually the apparent motive, although Bast is not beyond using humans to progress schemes, so may at times appear or communicate via other omens to influence humans to do her bidding, which usually stems from some action to limit or curtail the efforts of her enemies (read as Great Old Ones and their cults). CON 275 SIZ 175 DEX 60 Hit Points: 45 Damage Bonus (DB): +4D6 Build: 5 Move: 8 Combat Attacks per round: 2 (bite, gore) or 1 (trample) May use its mouths to bite and tusks to gore and tear up to twice per round, or may charge and trample once per round. If so, ask for a Luck roll from all, with the worst (highest) signifying who should attempt a Dodge roll to avoid instant death. Entries for the monsters have been tweaked, edited, updated, and corrected. Lullaby: the deep, soft murmuring sounds emitted by the Old One can cause living things to fall into a deep sleep (allowing the entity to then consume them at its leisure). Mundane weapons (incl. Immune to mundane weapons (incl. Calling themselves the Seekers of Pharol, this cult is made up of likeminded sorcerers who, drawing on the knowledge set out in the Book of Eibon, wish to contact and draw Pharol to them. A strange and rarely encountered avatar of YogSothoth, Aforgomon appears to be concerned with time rather than space. The dreams of Azathoth may touch an individual or group and are possibly interpreted as a voice from beyond offering forbidden insights into the nature and meaning of the universe, power, and a realization that something greater than them exists. QYTH-AZ (Great Old One) Something like a cluster of gigantic crystals, packed together into a towering column-like form. Such living cult members appear to crave Glaakis embrace, longing for the un-life it offers. Powers Loathsome Aura: any humans within 100 yards/meters of the Skinless One find that their skin starts to itch. Thus, these undead worshippers continue to exist even when their bodies are nothing more than bones and scraps of flesh. Within their presence, we are but trivial things, unworthy of their attention or regard. As such, cultists often bear scars of injuries and bite marks. The power can work at a distance, although beyond 100 yards/ meters the POW roll to resist decreases to Hard difficulty, and beyond one mile (1.6 km) it becomes Regular difficulty (beyond two miles the power has no effect). Certainly, other Elder entities, such as Nodens, appear to take a sometimes apparently benign stance to humanity, rather than displaying the total indifference of beings we associate as Old Ones and Outer Gods, which do not filter their appearance for humanitys sake. Generally, most will feel a deep loathing or revulsion, and some may wither or feint while others cannot look away, eyes fixed upon the horror before them. At the cost of 10 magic points, Cthugha may glow more brightly, each round increasing its luminescence such that it becomes harmful. ", "9/10 - Malleus Monstorum is an absolute gem Chaosium delivers a jam-packed two volume reference that blends flavor and mechanics to offer Keepers a detailed accounting of Mythos-based threats.". Those Old Ones were gone now, inside the earth and under the sea; but their dead bodies had told their secrets in dreams to the first men, who formed a cult which had never died. H. These beings psychic resonances filter into human dreams and minds, taking shape and channeling cosmic secrets of what was, what is, and what shall be. 153 CHAPTER 2 m a l Cult: Divine Artificial Intelligence Cult: The Spiraling Ones The Tick Tock Man, sometimes known as the MachineGod, is machine imbued with the mind of Nyarlathotep and can take any number of forms, some of which may be initially indistinguishable from a living person (of any gender). 3 1 Quote 119 Posted That was an extremely well chosen picture to go with a pandemic related shipping update. Trample: may trample beings of SIZ 300 or less, and may affect all within a 20 yard/meter radius of the god. These powers have been bestowed by the entity upon the cultist or follower. Monstrous Avatar Forms Ahtu Beast, The (also Faceless God) Black Bull (also Black Lion) Black Wind Bloody Tongue Crawling Mist Dark Demon (also Pazzuzu) Dweller in Darkness Father of Maggots Haunter of the Dark (also Fly-The-Light, Sand Bat, Lrogg) Kruschtya Equation Messenger of the Old Ones Small Crawler Wailing Writher Energy Blast automatic, damage 20 points Armor None. Groth-Golka 95 CHAPTER 2 m a l Possible Blessings Clear Sight: grants the devoted the ability to see the Old One and its minions (the fishers from outside) without the nightmarish consequences that usually affect such sights. If reduced to zero hit points, Rlim Shaikorth melts into a pool of slurry, which then freezes over; if this takes place on Yikilth, the iceberg dematerializes in 1D10 rounds to another dimension. If reduced to zero hit points, the red Queen either disappears in a puff of crimson smoke or the body splits open and a monstrous form squeezes its way out before departing (usually Bloody Tongue form). In a manner not unlike the terrifying hounds of Tindalos, Iod sometimes manifests as a hunter, tracking and pursuing those who have somehow crossed its path (some scholars suggest that those unworthy to see the deity in the flesh are marked and later tracked down and killed). Certainly, as this Great Old One appears to be able to move freely, it is a veritable living god in human terms, so those seeking a tangible belief would find something gruesomely appealing in Baoht Zuqqa-Mogg. Aura The differing aspects of Yidhra offer sometimes opposing or divergent auras. A full moon is particularly beneficial. 230 DEITIES OF THE MYTHOS Yig, father of serpents Sanity Loss: 1/1D8+2 Sanity points to encounter Yig. Combat Attacks per round: 1D4 (envelop) Envelops 1D4 targets within 5 yards/meters, causing exposure to its caustic chemical vapors, requiring a successful Extreme CON roll to avoid 2D6 damage each round, as well as the same total loss in APP points per round (permanent loss, although plastic surgery may restore up to half of the lost APP points). See Absorption, page 229. Common to those aware of the equation, is the belief that its solution brings power. Displacement: costing 10 magic points, may send the mind of a target into the body of one of its servants (the target may resist this with a successful Extreme POW roll). One doubts that such rites have changed much in the modern era. Absolutely DO NOT comment for any purpose other than to talk about these games. The entity and its brood convey a sense of scuttling menace. A cavalcade of monsters and god-like alien intelligences beyond human understanding, all vividly detailed and portrayed. 149 CHAPTER 2 m a l or others who are trying to invoke the spirit of the wild, while also appearing on a witches sabbat to welcome new members and ask them to sign its Black Book of Names. Name Last. Information concerning motivations, goals, traits, and history may be contradictory and confusing thats the point, the Mythos is not knowable, nor should it be. If imprisoned, the entitys wards appear to be decaying, allowing it periods of limited freedom yet also pulling it back to confinement, perhaps due to celestial alignments or some other more arcane reasoning. In later human history, the god or character appears often in the guise of the Lord of Sleep or Dreams. Once the body is formed, it may be maintained indefinitely or be dissolved at will. This divination automatically costs a minimum of 1 point of Sanity each time it usedif something is personally macabre, such as the death of a friend or loved one, or unimaginably horrible, they suffer a loss of 1/1D6 Sanity; foreseeing ones own death costs 1D4+1/2D10 Sanity points. 192 monstrosity (a POW or Hard POW roll may negate the effect), while at other times the milk is said to have amazing healing properties (restoring lost limbs and so on)the effect is determined by the Keeper, but should remain more or less consistent (i.e. bullets). Bizarre, outlandish, iridescent, yawning, multitudinous, flowing, and festering are all good words to describe a manifestation, let alone terrifying, horrific, and fear-inducing. With this, the Keeper retreats and disappears, presumably to its subterranean lair. These flesh-puppets perform its bidding, allowing it to manipulate others and effect earthly affairs. For here are the eyes of Nyarlathotep: one thousand eyes affixed to one thousand forms, each governed by a mind incomprehensible and wild. A few may be completely blinded and deafened by the dense fog. Lore and prophecy suggest that the time of the Elder Ones is reaching its end, when the Great Old Ones will be free to reshape the cosmos, in what for humanity would be a reign of horror and death. Such once-human creatures give little away and are virtually impossible to read with Psychology rolls. Within this twisting black curtain of jelly were many evillooking eyes and crooked mouths that seemed to look beyond the image and into mine own eyes. They remain alive despite their corrupting frame and, according to some accounts, cannot be killed. Browse our online store today! When hearing the Old Ones howl, a Sanity roll should be made (1/1D6 loss), and, if the Sanity roll is failed, a POW roll should be made. Fighting Swallow (mnvr) Crush (mnvr) 90% (45/18), damage 3D6 90% (45/18), swallowed (see above) 90% (45/18), damage 7D6 Armor None. Of course, such blessings must be paid for in regular blood sacrifices. Certainly, we understand, Nyarlathoteps influence on humans is to foster such freedoms, encouraging and motivating a decay of morals and the adoption of an ultimate self-interest without bounds. It reforms in dream in 2D8 days. Armor None. The Testament of Carnamagos makes mention of Quachil Uttaus, citing a ritual to summon the entity while, in addition, presenting a dire warning to those that would do so. Who worships this Deity? Other names: the Serpent, White Death. Other names: Devouring Unapproachable Lord. Waves, bubbles, and strange ripples continuously play over its surface. Then, an enormous black shadow falls across everything and the Messengers writhing mass appears, clawing its way into this dimension and down out of the sky. The Amber Elder appears to function in ways not dissimilar to the King in Yellow, although it does not seem to have any particular connection to Lost Carcosa or the Lake of Hali. The Outer Gods are said to govern the universe on a grand scale. The victim may escape this fate by cutting their way out (if able to inflict 10 damage) or making themselves indigestible or otherwise awkward to eat (as determined by the Keeper, this may involve a Hard INT roll or other suitable skill Crush (mnvr): the Old One rolls or hops its bulk to crush opponents within 10 yards/meters (up to four people may be targeted if they are close together). In the Dreamlands, a community of ghouls, calling themselves the Night Feasters, is believed to hold Nyogtha above all over deities. Dream Link: some in the Waking World may be given the power to communicate directly with Nodens priests and priestesses in the Dreamlands. 148 DEITIES OF THE MYTHOS manifestation. Encounters Aura Who knows how many portions of Cyegha exist on Earth? 90 DEITIES OF THE MYTHOS GNOPHKEHS down and took strange forms, gathering around Gnophkehs, choking and bringing this reign to an end. (Great Old One/Unique Entity) Cult The image depicted a vaguely humanoid thing encased in ice. While the connection is undetermined, this race of ghostly beings may worship the Old One, with some likely to accompany the deity on its traveling iceberg, acting as servitors and agents. In both cases, such worship is either hidden or shunned by the majority, causing some to obfuscate their beliefs behind more conventional trappings, such as certain snake charmers or snake-handling sects. Coub is YouTube for video loops. Splendid Dreams: gathers one or more dreaming people, ferrying their minds into either Earths Dreamlands or another bubble dreamscape. Indeed, the Servants of the Crawler appear to agree, saying that their role is to prepare for their lord who shall rend the earth and sky to make a passage through which its family can travel to this world. No human cult exists for Cthylla, and those who mention the entitys name seem never to be heard from again. Entries are organized into the following types OUTER GODS rule the universe. On Earth, in addition to some humans, the gof nn hupadgh are a secretive race totally devoted to Shub-Niggurath. Other names: Black Glory of Creation, the Great Horned Mother, Nia-Ubb-Hrgath. Cult As yet, Baoht Zuqqa-Mogg has no organized human cult, although small groups of worshippers are likely, especially those who have had some form of contact with the deity or those who have an association with ghouls. The victim may attempt to break free with a STR or DEX roll at Extreme difficulty; colleagues may assist by using their STR to reduce to the difficulty of the roll or if able to inflict 8 damage to a tentacle arm (penalty die to target the limb), causing the victim to be released. Some texts suggest that these entities may be governed by, imprisoned by, or hiding from Nyarlathotep. The Cult of Hastur is well established on Earth, although most groups are isolationist in outlook, with only some of the older and more embedded sects actively working with some level of cooperation and coordination. The case itself is thick and sturdy, the books are high quality and each has a ribbon bookmark. Other names: Demon-Bird, Rott-Ukka. Reaching zero CON, the victim dies. The Old One reforms in 4D100 years on Yikilth (wherever it is). Sandy Petersen: Azathoth, Bast, Cthugha, Cthulhu, Dagon & Hydra, Daoloth, Gla'aki, Hastur, Hypnos, Ithaqua, The Messenger of the Old Ones, Nodens, Nyarlathotep, Nyogtha, Shub-Niggurath, Shudde Mell, Tsathoggua, Ygolonac, Yig, Yog-Sothoth. Only one attempt per week is allowed. Note that Glaakis magic points may be higher than the norm due to the absorption of certain crystals and the use of spells. For obvious reasons, these groups tend to be located in coastal areas. Some claim that these masks where enchanted, becoming one with the wearer and enabling them to bite as those possessing a crocodiles jaw and, possibly, swim for extended periods underwater. For those within this zone, a penalty die may apply to certain actions at the Keepers discretion. It is feasible, some humans might spy Arcturus through telescopes and in so doing catch a glimpse of the entity said to be within, providing them with strange insight that might compel or change them somehow. Its flesh was a loathsome white, all the more hideous for the moons light, while from its back rose three curling spines, and it possessed no discernable arms. Whether the lore concerning Pan has become mixed up with such folktales, often used to cover illicit or unwanted births, remains conjecture; however, Mythos scholars warn that human offspring of Pan are liable to be otherworldly things, able to control strange powers, and likely to cause more harm than good. With some going to far as to say that should a portion of its mass be removed and taken elsewhere, that crystal portion may take root and multiply to grow on another world; this crystalline infection enabling Qyth-azs consciousness to be shared across such portions. extensively for sentient slaves, both as food and as in recreational torture, taking vile pleasure in the labor. Those dumbfounded are unable to move, think, or take any action. While diminished, such cultists may harbor the desire to find and excavate Gharne to obtain its buried treasures or could seek to build a new version of this city elsewhere. From the mouths dribbled yet more black ooze, and, in my mind, I could hear crazed words and chilling song coming from the mouths. Filling our vision was a mass of bluish-black slime, shifting, bubbling, and forming vague features. Fighting 90% (45/18), damage 7D6 Grab (mnvr) 90% (45/18), held, damage 3D6 (see above) Armor None. Fighting Ram Tail Cult While there appear to be no human cults centered on Zoth Syra and Yoth Kala, the deep ones may (possibly) provide offerings intended to placate these entities and their many spawn. Clutch (mnvr): sends forth a leg tentacle to wrap around a target, who may then be yanked off their feet and dragged along the ground (1D4+1 damage per round, rougher surfaces may increase the damage). Such events are rare, seeming to happen once every 100 to 500 years. SIZ 70* DEX 135 Hit Points: 60 Damage Bonus (DB): +1D6 Build: 2 Move: 15 (appear/disappear at will) Combat Attacks per round: 6 (robes) or 1 (gaze or face pseudopod) The Kings robes (fine or tattered) are like razors and may slice and cut in a whirlwind-like fury. Some were tentacular and hung below the mass, reaching to the ground and entwining the cultists, while others seems to end cloven hooves. It would seem that this avatar mostly manifests when Shub-Niggurath has been unsuccessfully summoned, or in places that have previously seen the taint or mark of the Dark Mother, with the avatar appearing to manipulate the local inhabitants into a frenzy of creativity and hedonism that usually ends in wanton destruction and/or calamity. While many tales of this latter form may, in the main, be nothing more than fanciful folklore, kernels can be found to suggest a darker truth. Entwine (mnvr): the target is held and then, on the following round, pulled into the Old Ones wide mouth and swallowed whole. Powers Command Plants: controls all plant life within a 100 yard/ meter radius. Successful attacks on Atlach-Nacha while it feeds will cause it to break from feeding and attend to its pesky attackers. For many, this entity is known as the Voice of the Stones (or Crystals), as it is believed it can communicate and possibly manifest via any crystal matter. Some broods work differently and are able to form a gestalt organism to masquerade as a human (see Eihort, Broodling of). Therefore, Nodens might be described as a cosmic being, manipulating humanity to enact its will through coercion masked in the trappings of human mythology. For our older stock, not every product is in every warehouse. If reduced to zero hit points, the Skinless One crumbles into nothingness or the body splits open and a monstrous form squeezes its way out before departing (usually Bloody Tongue form). A pure thought-form of anger that builds and festers until it must be released to destroy. Sometimes, it walks by using two or all four of its tentacle-limbs and can be mistaken for a large person or animal, if seen from a distance. 100 DEITIES OF THE MYTHOS Cult The Unspeakable One dwells near the star Aldebaran (in the constellation Taurus). On occasion, we may be able to see a mass of angles, partially phased with our universe, which at best resembles some gigantic wolf wrapped in swathes of purple-black smoke. Doubtless, debates on this subject will continue for some time. A single large eye could partially be seen within the morass, fashioned so that it seemed to follow the viewers gaze at all times. Its pocket dimension is a nightmarish abattoir, assaulting the senses and sickening to behold, provoking a Sanity roll (1D4/1D10 loss) to all right-minded folk who venture there. It reforms 5D10 years later. It reforms in 1D100 days with the will of Hastur. Some propose that the cells of Hastalks being, while somehow connected, are spread throughout the cosmos, existing on all worlds, yet (on most) inactive; the beings consciousness able to focus on one area or planet at a time, leaving its other constituent parts dormant. Thus, the longer the Lady stays to orchestrate, the worst the situation becomes. It was nice to be able to read that quote and then look up the author and the book to see how the monster was in the original story. The victim may attempt to break free with a successful Extreme STR or DEX roll; limbs may be severed if targeted (imposing a penalty die to the attack roll) and if suffering more than 6 damage. They might win the day, but never the war. Cult Mother of Pus There is no known cult associated with the Mother of Pus, although it is possible that some locals living within the area of Arkham (apparently the location of the entitys creation or birth) are or were touched and thereby came under its control. tesla training center, red shafted northern flicker feather,