The energy released depends on the length of the fault; the faults here are believed capable of generating earthquakes as great as M 6 or 7. And in between these two the Strawberry Point Fault (SPF) skirts the south side of Ault Field, splits into various strands that bracket Strawberry Point, and then disappear (possibly ending) under the delta of the Skagit River. The San Juan Island and Leach River faults crossing the southern end of Vancouver Island are significant and undoubtedly connected with the DarringtonDevils Mountain and Southern Whidbey Island faults, and certainly of particular interest to the residents of Victoria, B.C. The most recent Seattle Fault earthquake was about 1,100 years ago; The Seattle Fault has been active about three or four times in the past 3,000 years. (See, There is a preliminary report of aeromagnetic and gravity mapping placing the eastern edge of the Siletz terrane under Lake Washington. [47], To the southeast the SWIF passes through Admiralty Inlet (past Port Townsend) and across the southern part of Whidbey Island, crossing to the mainland between Mukilteo and Edmonds. The true length of the UPF is likely twice as long, as it forms the southern margin of an aeromagnetic high that extends another 25km to the southeast. Over 7,000 people are dead after a magnitude 7.8 earthquake shook southern Turkey, near the Turkish-Syrian border. Puget Sound and San Juan islands. Ongoing mapping is revealing more faults. Some upper-crustal formations (such as the Western and Eastern Melange Belts, see, There is a general north or northeast directed compression within the Lowland causing folds, which eventually break to become, This page was last edited on 11 January 2023, at 17:28. On the east, the Devils Mountain Fault connects with the south striking Darrington Fault (not shown) which runs to the OWL, and the Southern Whidbey Island Fault extends via the Rattlesnake Mountain Fault Zone (dashed line) to the OWL. All this is explained by right-lateral strike-slip motion on the Straight Creek Fault, which initiated about 50 to 48 Ma (millions of years ago). This ramp could be either in the lower crustal blocks, or where the thrust sheet has split and one part is being forced over the next. E.g., mapping along the Rattlesnake Mountain Fault Zone has revealed a complex network of active or potentially active faults across (and likely beyond) the lower Snoqualmie Valley, including the Cherry Creek Fault Zone, scene of the 1996 M 5.3 Duvall earthquake. This seems geologically reasonable, as both the SWIF and RMFZ appear to be the contact between Tertiary Crescent Formation basement of Puget Sound on the west and the older Mesozoic (pre-Tertiary) mlange belt basement rocks under the Cascades on the east.[110]. They are also on-strike with a swarm of faults on the Columbia River, bracketing The Dalles. This is an important observation because the Strawberry Point, Utsalady Point, Southern Whidbey Island, and various other unnamed faults lying between the DDMFZ and the OWL all of which converge at the western end of the DDMFZ seem to be intermediate versions of the DDMFZ.[34]. A Lofall Fault has been reported on the basis of marine seismic reflection surveying,[216] but has not been confirmed by trenching. How the CRBF might run north of Seattle (specifically, north of the OWL, which Seattle straddles) is unknown, and even questioned, as there is no direct evidence of such a fault. [57] Mapping of areas further east that might clarify the pattern is not currently planned. Review for American Constellation to U.S.A. chatuga. It's the other counties in the Puget . The Devils Mountain Fault (DMF) runs about 125km (75 miles) from the town of Darrington in the Cascade foothills due west to the northern tip of Whidbey Island, and on towards Victoria, British Columbia, where the DMF is believed to join the Leech River fault system at the southern end of Vancouver Island. This fault seems to be associated with the Kingston arch anticline, and part of the uplift and basin pattern, but shortened because of the geometry of the SWIF. This is only one of a series of active large crustal faults in the Puget Lowland. Recent EQ List Especially as seismic reflection data[135] shows some faulting continuing east across Vashon Island and the East Passage of Puget Sound (the East Passage Zone, EPZ) towards Federal Way and an east-striking anticline. [139] The Dewatto linement extends from the western end of the Tacoma fault (see map immediately above) northward towards Green Mountain at the western end of the Seattle fault. In the angle between these is located the minor Lincoln Creek uplift, the Doty Hills, and, further west, an impressive chunk of Crescent basalt. While there is a short zone (not shown) of fainter seismicity near Goat Rocks (an old Pliocene volcano[196]) that may be associated with the contact, the substantially stronger seismicity of the WRZ is associated with the major Carbon RiverSkate Mountain anticline. Read More. However, the SWCC is relatively shallow (no more than 15 km deep), and likely is draped over pre-Tertiary bedrock. There's a one-in-10 chance that the next . Strands of the east-striking Devils Mountain Fault cross the northern tip of Whidbey Island at Dugualla Bay and north side of Ault Field (Whidbey Island Naval Air Station). The largest intra-crustal earthquakes have about the same total energy (which is about one-hundredth of a subduction event), but since they are closer to the surface they will cause more powerful shaking, and, therefore, more damage. The uplift and basin pattern is continued to the west and southwest by the Grays Harbor Basin, Willapa Hills Uplift, and Astoria Basin,[25] but it is not known if these are bounded by faults in the same manner as in the Puget Sound region. These features suggest that the southern Puget Lowland is influenced by the deep crust and even the subducting Juan de Fuca plate, but the details and implications are not yet known. [188] In the acute angle between these is located the minor Lincoln Creek uplift, the Doty Hills, and an impressive chunk of uplifted Crescent basalt (reddish area at west edge of the map). They interpreted it as "simple folds in Eocene bedrock", though Sherrod (1998) saw sufficient similarity with the Seattle Fault to speculate that this is a thrust fault. [2] All this is at risk of earthquakes from three sources:[3]. [53] Reckoned between Victoria and approximately Fall City the length of the SWIF is around 150km (90 miles). [129] The western part is an active eastwest striking north dipping reverse fault that separates the Seattle Uplift and the Tacoma Basin, with approximately 30 miles (50km) of identified surface rupture. [39] On the basis of marine seismic reflection surveying in the Strait of Juan de Fuca it has been suggested that the DMF, SPF, and UPF are structurally connected (at least in the segment crossing Whidbey Island). [78] It is projected to extend past Lake Chaplain, and perhaps to the east end of Mount Pilchuck. [138] It arises from the contrast between the denser and more magnetic basalt of the Crescent Formation that has been uplifted to the east, and the glacial sediments that have filled the Dewatto basin to the west. New gravity data provide information [abstract]", "Fault locking, block rotation and crustal deformation in the Pacific Northwest", "The Everett fault: a newly discovered late Quaternary fault in north-central Puget Sound, Washington [abstract]", "Late Holocene earthquakes on the Toe Jam Hill fault, Seattle fault zone, Bainbridge Island, Washington", "Field and laboratory data from an earthquake history study of scarps in the hanging wall of the Tacoma fault, Mason and Pierce Counties, Washington", "Three-dimensional velocity structure of Siletzia and other accreted terranes in the Cascadia forearc of Washington", "Geologic map of the Skokomish Valley and Union 7.5-minute quadrangles, Mason County, Washington", "Supplement to Geologic Maps of the Lilliwaup, Skokomish Valley, and Union 7.5-minute Quadrangles, Mason County, Washington Geologic Setting and Development Around the Great Bend of Hood Canal", "Geologic map of the Hoodsport 7.5-minute quadrangle, Mason County, Washington", "Geologic map of the Brinnon 7.5-minute quadrangle, Jefferson and Kitsap Counties, Washington", "Geologic map of the Seabeck and Poulsbo 7.5-minute quadrangles, Kitsap and Jefferson Counties, Washington", "Evidence for earthquake-induced subsidence ~1100 yr ago in coastal marshes of southern Puget Sound, Washington", 10.1130/0016-7606(2001)113<1299:EFEISA>2.0.CO;2, "Holocene fault scarps and shallow magnetic anomalies along the Southern Whidbey Island Fault Zone near Woodinville, Washington", "Finding concealed active faults: Extending the southern Whidbey Island fault across the Puget Lowland, Washington", "Holocene fault scarps near Tacoma, Washington, USA", "The Catfish Lake Scarp, Allyn, Washington: Preliminary Field Data and Implications for Earthquake Hazards posed by the Tacoma Fault", "Seismic Amplification within the Seattle Basin, Washington State: Insights from SHIPS Seismic Tomography Experiments", "Tectonics and Conductivity Structures in the Southern Washington Cascades", "Analysis of Deep Seismic Reflection and Other Data From the Southern Washington Cascades", "Tectonics and Seismicity of the Southern Washington Cascade Range", "Subduction zone and crustal dynamics of western Washington: A tectonic model for earthquake hazards evaluation", 10.1130/0016-7606(1994)106<0217:lmapet>;2, "Geologic map of the Snoqualmie Pass 60 minute by 30 minute quadrangle, Washington", "Subsurface Geometry and Evolution of the Seattle Fault Zone and the Seattle Basin, Washington", "Rupture models for the A.D. 900930 Seattle fault earthquake from uplifted shorelines", "Stratigraphy of Eocene rocks in a part of King County, Washington", "Geologic map of Washington Southwest Quadrant", "Geologic Map of the East Olympia 7.5-minute Quadrangle, Thurston County, Washington", "Field data for a trench on the Canyon River fault, southeast Olympic Mountains, Washington", "Crustal Extension at Mount St. Helens, Washington", "Final Technical Report: Two Post-Glavial Earthquakes on the Saddle Mountain West Fault, southeastern Olympic Peninsula, Washington", "Earthquake scenario and probabilistic ground shaking maps for the Portland, Oregon, metropolitan area", "Bedrock Geologic Map of the Seattle 30' by 60' Quadrangle, Washington", Preliminary Atlas of Active Shallow Tectonic Deformation in the Puget Lowland, Washington (USGS Open-File Report 2010-1149). $30 to $33 Hourly. A UW researcher says the fault line that caused earthquake that shook southern Turkey near the Turkish-Syrian border this week and killed more than 7,000 people is similar to the faults under Puget Sound., Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License 3.0, A great subduction earthquake, such as the. It is believed capable of generating earthquakes of at least magnitude 7, and there is evidence of such a quake approximately 1,000 years ago, possibly the same earthquake documented on the Seattle Fault 24 miles (38km) to the north. Folding and faulting has exposed these basalts in some places (black areas in diagram); the intervening basins have been filled by various sedimentary formations, some of which have been subsequently uplifted. South of the OWL a definite eastern boundary has not been found, with some indications it is indefinite. It is not notably seismogenic. Although the largely unstudied White River Fault (WRF) appears to lie just outside the Puget Lowland, it may actually connect under the Muckleshoot Basin to the East Passage Zone and the Tacoma Fault (map). normal. [156], The Saddle Mountain Faults ("East" and "West", and not to be confused with a different Saddle Mountains Fault in Adams county, eastern Washington[157]), are a set of northeast trending reverse faults on the south-east flank of the Olympic Mountains near Lake Cushman first described in 1973 and 1975. The ultimate driver of the stresses that cause earthquakes are the motions of the tectonic plates: material from the Earth's mantle rises at spreading centers, and moves out as plates of oceanic crust which eventually are subducted under the more buoyant plates of continental crust. [45] The Leech River Fault has been identified as the northern edge of the Crescent Formation (aka Metchosin Formation, part of the Siletzia terrane that underlies much of western Washington and Oregon). [142]) This reflects westward thrusting of the Seattle Uplift into the Dewatto basin, a northwestern extension of the Tacoma basin. This forms a pocket or trough what one local geologist calls the "big hole between the mountains"[17] between the Cascades on the east and the Olympic Mountains and Willapa Hills on the west. Tacoma, WA. In the wedge model of Pratt et al. Offsets in the eastwest oriented Monroe Fault (south side of the Skykomish River), earthquake focal mechanisms, and kinematic indications show that the CCFZ is a left-lateral strike-slip fault, possibly with some oblique motion (up on the eastern side). Methane Plume Emissions Associated With Puget Sound Faults in the Cascadia Forearc. They run . Because the Seattle and Tacoma faults run directly under the biggest concentration of population and development in the region, more damage would be expected, but all the faults reviewed here may be capable of causing severe damage locally, and disrupting the regional transportation infrastructure, including highways, railways, and pipelines. [216], An Everett Fault, running east-northeast along the bluffs between Mukilteo and Everett that is, east of the SWIF and at the southern edge of the Everett Basin has been claimed, but this does not appear to have been corroborated.[217]. Puget Sound Lidar Consortium Finding faults scarp(n). ), Aeromagnetic mapping in 1999 showed a very prominent anomaly[172] (such as typically indicates a contrast of rock type); that, along with paleoseismological evidence of a major Holocene earthquake, has led to a suggestion that this structure "may be associated with faulting". [180], That Olympia and the south Sound are at risk of major earthquakes is shown by evidence of subsidence at several locations in southern Puget Sound some 1100 years ago. The Frigid Creek fault seems more directly aligned with this southwestward extension of the Seattle Fault, but such a connection seems to be as yet unremarked by geologists. (Enter only one word per blank.) The Doty Fault appears to terminate against, or possibly merge with, the Salzer Creek Fault at Chehalis; the Salzer Creek Fault is traced another seven miles east of Chehalis. Cluster of earthquakes in Puget Sound considered 'normal', earthquake researchers say. 20);[208] it includes the Cherry Creek Fault Zone NNE of Carnation, location of the 1965 Duvall earthquake. It aligns with the West Coast fault and Queen Charlotte Fault system of strike-slip fault zones (similar to the San Andreas Fault in California) on the west side of Vancouver Island, but does not itself show any significant or through-going strike-slip movement. [187] Such a length would be comparable to the length of the Seattle or Tacoma faults, and capable of an earthquake of M 6.7. [192] Indeed, it is mainly by their seismicity that these faults are known and have been located, neither showing any surface faulting. . The Seattle uplift, and possibly the Black Hills uplift, consist of Crescent Formation basalt that was exposed when it was forced up a ramp of some kind. And like the SCF, strike-slip motion died out between 44 and 41 MA (due to plutonic intrusions). Large plumes of methane bubbles have been discovered throughout the waters of Puget Sound prompting questions about the Puget Sound food web, studies of earthquake faults and climate-change research. [200], Mount St. Helens and Mount Rainier are located where their associated fault zones make a bend (see map, above).[201](Mt. PNSN staff will continue to develop this section of the web site but to find more good information now, visit these resources: [19] These terranes were covered by the basalts of the Crescent Formation (part of Siletzia). Doubts on the connectivity of these faults led to abandonment of this name in 1986[65] when Cheney mapped the Mount Vernon fault (MVF) from near Sultan northwest past Lummi Island (west side of Bellingham Bay, visible at the top of the map), crossing the Devils Mountain Fault (DMF, part of the DarringtonDevils Mountain Fault Zone) near Mount Vernon. One study of seismic vulnerability of bridges in the Seattle Tacoma area[4] estimated that an M 7 earthquake on the Seattle or Tacoma faults would cause nearly as much damage as a M 9 subduction earthquake.
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