"A few years later [my cousin's] sister . . I do not know what we would do if we had only one wife apiece. . "He sent her to live in a coal yard with other polygamous wives and their many children in South Salt Lake, visiting her rarely and usually only to have sex, she testified. . "Ex-members' claims of incest are bolstered by court records claiming John Ortell 'failed either to support or acknowledge' three children by his niece, (Susan) Mary Gustafson. The notoriety will just make them zoo specimens. Lucky was the first to die in my generation. "'Those boys are the most moral, upstanding and wonderful people I know,' she said, clutching a grandchild to her thin hip. The SPLC estimates there are . it is the only popular religion there,", -The Prophet Brigham Young, "Deseret News," 6 August 1862, "This law of monogamy, or the monogamic system, laid the foundation for prostitution and the evils and diseases of the most revolting nature and character under which modern Christendom groans, . . [39] The 2022 complaint was filed by attorney, Roger Hoole,[39] an attorney known for representing ex-members of the polygamous Fundamentalist Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints. "'It would have been unusual if he wasn't using artificial insemination in his herd, and by virtue of that, was probably using semen from some bulls that had been inbred,' says Dennis Green, a professor of beef cattle genetics at Colorado State University. . ", "C250 - Senate Judiciary, Law Enforcement, and Criminal Justice Committee", "DCCS Self-Sustaining Policy, Contributions to the Community", "The Polygamist Accused of Scamming the U.S. Out of $500 Million", "Former WRE CEO testifies about money paid to DCCS Entities", "Jury Finds Los Angeles Businessman Guilty in $1 Billion Biodiesel Tax Fraud Scheme", "Polygamists Admit $512 Million Fraud for U.S. Fuel-Tax Credits", "CEO And CFO Of Utah Biodiesel Company And California Businessman Charged In $500 Million Fuel Tax Credit Scheme", "WRE Defendants arrested and awaiting trial", "Trial postponed for last defendant in fraud case involving members of the Kingston polygamous family", "Complaint and Jury Demand, Grant, et al. Eldens father related that Elden told him that was ordained by J. Leslie Broadbent (Lorin Woolleys successor) in 1934, although precisely what that ordination represented is unclear. "The discoveries and research within my own kindred so alarmed me that I studied other descendants of polygamy to see if their families also suffered from crippling illnesses. "52 years later, more than half of the 8,000 people . Shuvrajit Das Biswas. Have you also noticed all the genetic and other debilitating defects, deformities and diseases that comes along with your poisoned patriarchal plurality-of-wives club? The founders of that ancient empire were robbers and women-stealers, and made laws favoring monogamy in consequence of the scarcity of women among them, and hence this monogamic system which now prevails throughout Christendom, and which had been so fruitful a source of prostitution and whoredom throughout all the Christian monogamic cities of the Old and New World, until rottenness and decay are at the root of their institutions both national and religious. John Gustafson, a representative of the Davis County Cooperative Society, an affiliate of the Kingston Group, disputed the lawsuits claims. "The few dissenters in the community say the serious genetic problems that are beginning to surface are an indication that the closed FLDS society could eventually collapse. And it is my purpose to provide for my saints, for all things are mine. This website is using a security service to protect itself from online attacks. It is these discredited ideas that foster this genetic legacy. I am convinced they do. "Tarby believes the recessive gene was introduced by one of the community's polygamist founders. Thanks for signing up! But women who are disobedient and fail to bear children including because they miscarry face ostracism, the lawsuit claims. ". His father wrote: Brother Elden received a new covenant up on the top of the highest mountain that is east of Bountiful, Utah. Elden theorized that living the law of consecration was still required, and he set forth to establish his own united order organization. Consanguinity also causes rare recessive disorders to mask as dominant. The Kingston Group is believed to have a few thousand members, mostly in Utah and Idaho. As people age the chances of children inheriting mutant genes increases. "For the first time, the faith-promoting stories about my great-grandfathers heroism for defying the federal government when they outlawed polygamy interested me. Please include what you were doing when this page came up and the Cloudflare Ray ID found at the bottom of this page. . [T]he 'Salt Lake Tribune' . "Her book . . "For us parents the future health and happiness of ourselves, our children and grandchildren are at stake. Polygamy would have afforded the opportunity of producing from that consecrated fatherhood and motherhood the improved type of man the world needs to reveal the highest possibilities of the race, that the day of the super man might come, and with him come also the redemption and betterment of the race.'. The State of Utah stated: "It was a specific investigation that we were approached by [federal law enforcement] to participate in." Let's now examine how this supposedly "divinely-inspired" Mormon program of heavenly eugenics has actually worked in practice. ", And despite the LDS Church's highly suspect claim of having genuinely abandoned the doctrine and practice of polygamy in 1890 (see D. Michael Quinn's historically-devastating essay that got him excommunicated for telling the truth, "LDS Church Authority and New Plural Marriages, 1890-1904," at: http://www.lds-mormon.com/quinn_polygamy.shtml), many Mormons, in fact, still believe that the practice of multi-wifing will someday be reinstituted "[b]ecause the doctrine is still part of official Mormon scripture (see 'Doctrine and Covenants,' Section 132). Like any fundamentalist Mormon sect, the Kingston Clan is very hierarchal. In this regard, officially-canonized LDS scripture that currently endorses polygamy is not the only image problem for the Mormon Church (thank you, Warren Jeffs). Interview with the owner of Desert Tech: The son of Paul's sister Rachel herself a daughter of Ortell and LaDonna Kingston [Nick] Young was the only current member of the Kingston clan, out of the many contacted for this story, who consented to a live, on-the-record interview. All went bareheaded and barefoot. "'Warren has to be really careful that he doesn't lose his position as a god to these people,' Wyler says. From the "Phoenix New Timms" article, "Forbidden Fruit: Inbreeding Among Polygamists Along the Arizona-Utah Border is Producing a Caste of Severely Retarded and Deformed Children": "Colorado City resident Isaac Wyler says FLDS Prophet Warren Jeffs is trying to create the 'perfect race.'. 13:1). 'All of a sudden [with] this one little baby, everything tightened up and she arched her back so hard her head was almost touching her toes,' Wyler says. "Rather than polygamy being about religion, Moore-Emmett believes that many polygamous marriages are about sex and power. "Every person carries some lethal genes. Outwardly, she appeared to have no sex organs. As a symbol of their renunciation of worldly goods, the outer clothing contained no pockets in which possessions could be carried, although later an inside pocket was provided for the sanitary measure of carrying a handkerchief. ". ', "The ultimate goal of the breeding program, Wyler says, is to create the perfect race. . Click to reveal "The widespread presence of the fumarase deficiency gene in the bloodlines of the founding families of Colorado City is going to make reaching any such goal extremely difficult. '90% of the community is related to one side or the other,' said Bistline, a former member of the sect, the Fundamentalist Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints. First, the truth and the priesthood keys are dispensed from heaven to a prophet on earth. He faces up to 30 years in. joined the Mormons in Zion, the new Promised Land, trading a life of mining for religious hope. The suit was filed against the groups leader Paul Eldon Kingston and 21 other members. [6] Brooke Adams, Salt Lake Tribune, May 22, 2004. Women, meanwhile, allegedly gain status by being pure of blood and obedient, becoming the first wives of higher-ranking numbered men, and bearing many children. "Andrea's son, now 7, lives with his father, Jason Kingston--Andrea's half-brother--and Rosalind, his niece. Eldens solo experience of receiving the priesthood keys and authority is truly singular and contrasts the pattern previously given by the Lord for important priesthood conferrals that require more than one witness. 'So often when you have an uncle-niece, or half-brother-sister, you have a situation where abuse is going on,' Jorde says. "'You don't want to jump to the conclusion and say all of these are the result of inbreeding,' he says. _____. . . Second, that prophet organizes his followers into missionary forces that dispense the truth to all the world, utilizing the priesthood to perform saving ordinances. "Until the test is available, Tarby says, the best prevention measure remains refraining from crossing Barlows, Jessops and their relations--who make up half the population of the polygamist enclave. "Tarby said the victims require constant care from parents and close relatives. [Mormon] [h]istorian B. H. Roberts, notes an eugenic attitude regarding polygamy: "'It was in the name of a divinely-ordered species of eugenics that Latter-day Saints accepted the revelation which included a plurality of wives. "Wyler said it's all part of the community's religious system. [8], In the late 1990s, three members of the LDCJC faced scrutiny for entering into incestuous relationships. . . This nurse has a polygamous background, so does her husband. . _____, --Conclusion: Mormonism is Sick--and So (Genetically Speaking) Are the Faithful Followers of the LDS Legacy of Blood-Poisoned Polygamy. . These disturbing accounts offer a look inside the lives of some early Mormon descendants. and Privacy Policy. Consanguinity causes aggregate clusters of deleterious genes to collect in families, which then express themselves as rare recessive disorders like nephritis, cystic fibrosis, biliary artesia, albinism, short stature and many others. [17] That same year, Ardous Kingston Gustafson, a mother of four and founding Co-op member, was jailed on Christmas Eve when she could not produce membership lists that were to be used to target plural families for further arrest and harassment. breeding really functional? . . "'One lady I know, she just cannot physically pick [her son] up anymore to get him into the bathtub,' Wyler says. "My dad had a thing that was supposed to shoot radio waves or something like that, that . Five of the women suing alleged they were coerced into marriage as minors and raped by their husbands. This is why the state and federal government enacted legislation against polygamy. In the revelation, the Lord commands him to take virgins 'an hundredfold in this world' for the purpose to 'multiply and replenish the Earth' so 'they may bear the souls of men.' "Buried quietly on family farms, without notice of birth or death, child death often remains undocumented in polygamy clans. "Some are very debilitated and some aren't," he says. 129-30, ("Is Homosexuality or Monogamy the Ruin of Civilization?," at: http://www.i4m.com/think/sexuality/homosexual_ruin.htm) . "During this early period, polygamy was practiced secretly by the Mormon leadership, men who covertly preached and expanded polygamy while publicly deceiving the general Mormon population about the practice. . All went bareheaded and barefoot. . The chickens are coming home to roost. . [50][51], Davis County Cooperative leadership and members swiftly condemned the fraudulent behavior stating that "[Jacob] broke from tradition in many ways" and stressing "to members and non-members alike that this behavior is not in line with our beliefs or principles." . According to Kingston teachings, this scripture should not be taken too literally, and all of the efforts commenced through Joseph Smith came to a dead halt in 1934, thereby necessitating Elden Kingston to initiate a new dispensation. _____, --Inbreeding for the Lord: the Mutative Aftermath of LDS-"Inspired" Polygamy Among Mormonism's Doctrinal Adherents. . In addition, placing the law of consecration at the pinnacle of divine laws is inconsistent with scripture and restoration history. "Throughout the world, most polygamy is exogamous, or breeding outside the group. [7], Plural marriage is practiced by some members of the LDCJC and members make their own choice in who they marry. 'I don't know how many who die within the first two or three years that we don't even ever know about. The FLDS already has moved several hundred men, women and children to the compound, many of whom very likely carry the fumarase deficiency gene. One nurse confided, 'We see too many trisome l3 and l8 babies.' . Re: Polygamy's Patriarchy-Poisoned Bloodline: The Genetic Catastrophe That Has Sprung from Joseph Smith's "Divine" Breeding Program of Mormon Mutation . The Kingston Clan is where Jessica, Andrea, and Shanell escaped over a decade ago. The records of the marriages sealed at the Nauvoo Temple before the general exodus to Utah in the 1840s, may be the most important ones of all; yet, these are . ", (Joseph Carroll, "One in Four Americans Think Most Mormons Endorse Polygamy; Only 2% Think Most Americans Support Polygamy," by Gallup News Service, Princeton, New Jersey, 7 September 2006, at: http://www.gallup.com/poll/24388/one-four-americans-think-most-mormons-e). "Recovery from Mormonism - www.exmormon.org", http://www.lds-mormon.com/quinn_polygamy.shtml, http://www.i4m.com/think/polygamy/polygamy_summary.htm. A small portion of the funds (less than 6%) were also used to purchase legitimate goods and services from businesses who provided them in "good faith". 'A lady comes in and helps her. . Kingston was able to name only nine of his thirteen children by a second woman, Rachael Ann Kingston. Tarby. "'We don't have a dad,' the little boy said. Some Kingston followers might justify their financial conglomerate by comparing it to the wealthy Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. 'Children should not be victims of such programs.'. Therefore, to keep the bloodline 'pure,' the Kingstons intermarry--half-brothers and sisters, uncles and nieces, aunts and nephews, and so forth. . "For more than 70 years, all marriages in the isolated towns have been arranged by the leader of the FLDS, a breakaway sect of the Salt Lake City-based Mormon Church. For 5 episodes that aired on Viewpoint on Mormonism between 9/14-18, 2020, click these: Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Interview with Doris Hanson Part 1 Part 2 By Eric Johnson Summary. "'They claim to be the chosen people, the chosen few,' Bistline said. "'I had never seen a patient with it,' Tarby says. . _____. 'I've seen some children that can talk and communicate a little,' Wyler said. "Including Utah, 37 states outlaw first-cousin marriage. . "Farm Roots of Incest: Marriages in the Kingston clan must be sanctioned by [the] current head of the church . . "There is no doubt in the mind of any expert interviewed by 'New Times' that the practice of polygamy combined with inbreeding has fostered the spread of fumarase deficiency. Kingston began preaching polygamy amongst fellow members of the LDS Church and distributing pamphlets and the book he had co-written, Laman Manasseh Victorious: A Message of Salvation and Redemption to His People Israel, First to Ephraim and Manasseh. This lack of information upset me as a child when to my fervent, 'Why?' Half and full siblings are marrying in religious ceremonies. And, "We cannot and will not condone or support anyone found to be engaged in any fraudulent behaviors. Never miss a story. 'Warren Jeffs is also trying to breed a perfect race.'. [49] As part of the plea deal and restitution, the company forfeits rights to a number of assets including their bio-fuel plant in Plymouth, Utah. Source: Twitter Jessica with her husband and three daughters. 'He wanted to control his children and grandchildren through genetics. People in plural marriages and held above those aren't. People who are members of the Kingston family by blood are held up higher than members of the Clan who are not also blood members of the Kingston family. 'And I've seen others that are totally laid out. "Several Kingston offspring of incestuous couplings also have been born without fingernails, a disease that could be linked to a number of genetically caused abnormalities, although an exact diagnosis is impossible without closer study of medical records. "Some fumarase deficiency children, he says, develop a small degree of motor skills over time: 'They don't remain infantile their entire life. WRE has since become defunct. "Fast-forward . [18][7], The Cooperative had its birth during the Great Depression when many families struggled immensely to provide for their families. . Two weeks after is excommunication, Kingston had a dream wherein he believed he was visited by Jesus Christ and God the Father. 'I said, "You're married to somebody you're related to. "Marriages among first and second cousins have been common for decades in the community, where religious doctrine requires men to have at least three wives to gain eternal salvation. I hate to talk like this about my own genealogy,' Wyler says, 'but, literally, they are keeping all the breeding stock--the women, the [strictly faithful] men--and weeding out the disobedient men. figs men's slim scrub pants,
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