While they personally already know the meaning of their statements, they find it hard to explain it. Mercury Retrograde in Pisces can bring additional challenges, as Pisces is a water sign associated with emotions, intuition, and spirituality. If you live the positive expression of this placement, you combine logical thinking with your intuition. Mercury in Pisces people often struggle with communication. One Man Band from Frisco, TX (34 miles from Arlington, TX) Frank specializes in 50's, 60's and 70's rock and roll, country hits from the 60's through the 90's and several of the old standards. Not only does he exhibit an extraordinary depth of knowledge, skill, talent, professionalism, and passion in his craft, as well as demonstrate a notably strong capacity to pinpoint the precise timing of imperative events in peoples lives via Zodiacal Releasing & other beautiful techniques, but his approach achieves the ideal balance of kind sensitivity and 100% honesty. I was hooked - watched the videos, read the blog; all of which I found all to be super interesting and in my opinion pretty funny. ever-expanding knowledge, and a hilarious sense of humor. In a group, Mercury in Pisces men and women prefer to observe first before they engage. I had a fabulous consult with Patrick recently. It is even better if Jupiter cancels the debilitation of Mercury. When Mercury becomes fallen and loses strength, it indicates disruption and errors while transferring information. Mercury in Pisces men have a keen artistic sense and a romantic outlook. Your Mercury in Pisces personality is one that takes imagination to new heights you are extremely creative and can make use of your vivid inner movies to see things in the abstract. It is the fastest moving planet in the zodiac, which means it travels 30 degrees a month. It provided him with a highly imaginative and intuitive mind, but one who didnt like to prove their way of deriving the results of their inventions. They are intuitive and seek a spiritually oriented partner who is compatible with their emotional nature. Meditation is very helpful to harmonize and strengthen a healthy connection between mind, body, and spirit. Pisces belongs to a different realm, just like music. The next transit of Mercury in Pisces is just around the corner! Positively, it set up a new trend of technological innovation, but negatively initiated the development of destructive weapons. However, a strong Jupiter endows them with faith which means that they have the capacity to trust their imagination by following spiritual or religious principles instead of wasting their vital energy on analysis. They are often really slow to respond (if their natal Mercury in Pisces is retrograde, this becomes even worse). The Mercury in Pisces woman is curious which has a positive effect on her creativity. I can relate to many things mentioned including a deep inclination towards spirituality. Mercury in Pisces signifies a sensitive and imaginative mind, which can be both a blessing and a curse. References to The Last Word of God are included not to mix Sunnah Kitab with worldly science, but to offer the best cure for worldly issues. They also prefer to have psychic spirituality in their lives. Mercury in this sign is in 7th and 10th from its own signs Virgo and Gemini respectively. They are creative and artistic. A fallen planet does not define us but gives insights how we can improve ourselves and mitigate weaknesses. Additionally, they might also perform many unethical acts or use the wisdom of Jupiter immorally. Because of your sensitivity, you take on the energy of other people easily, what might overwhelm you. She is careful and considerate of feelings, and takes all emotions involved into account before she makes any action. Transit Mercury through Pisces can make communications a bit tricky to navigate . Suite 910, Arlington, TX . Thanks. Shes willing to forgive because the sweetest spot in her heart is reserved for romantic relationships. Let's look into some of the things you might expect with Mercury entering psychic and eccentric Pisces! Seems to be, I have an extreme amt. She is very kindhearted and sympathetic. Mercury is actually the planet that signifies a network of nerves. The ease, accuracy, and nuance of his Zodiacal Releasing. In fact, the more they travel, the more successful they become. He also helped me realize how my passions and interests appear in my chart, and gave me advice on how to anticipate incorporating passion/purpose and find a career. Mercury is tidally locked with the Sun, so one side is perpetually hot and the other half is perpetually cold. Pisces can blur reality, sometimes a bit of caution is welcome when dealing with it. This tendency seems to be stronger in a young age, as they mature, they find it easier to express themselves. As dreamy Pisces is out of its element when coupled with direct and communicative Mercury, you can expect your words to feel jumbled and . (Sunan an-Nasa'i 4047)There must be no racism, sects, tribes, or gangs amongst you, and take special care of women, and increased rewards get those who educate women especially who suffer in calamities. While a down to earth Mercury likes to think analytically and logically, it finds it hard to apply its natural significations efficiently in Pisces. In a group, Mercury in Pisces men and women prefer to observe first before they engage. This is an average placement for Mercury as being neutral Last updated on July 19th, 2022 at 07:26 pm Moon in the 4th House unites with the energies of its own sign Cancer. She puts her all into her close relationships, and sees the people who are close to her as a part of who she is. Jupiter, the ruler of Pisces and the significator of righteousness makes Pisces Mercury natives very noble and kind. Pisces is a sign which indicates spirituality and a highly active subconscious mind which blesses its natives with highly abstract thoughts which are quite difficult to understand. Great article. That is, do not be quick to judge and leave judgment to God except when there is direct threat to righteous beleivers. Mercury is said to rule over travel and communication. Great analysis on Mercury for Pisces ascendant , Lo I feel like it was written for me, was able to relate this. And as others have said, he has a great sense of humor; in my opinion, the value of that cannot be overstated! The fact that Mercury is retrograde in Pisces makes the effect many times stronger. He can get bored with routine and familiarity. I am taurus ascendant with mercury in 11th house in pisces and jupiter in 3rd house ( cancer sign ).. They are imaginative and believe in divine powers. Anything artistic, especially music and poetry, are wonderful mediums for the Mercury in Pisces to use in communication. I couldnt have asked for a better astrologer to read my chart! PISCES (Feb. 19-March 20): Keep an open dialogue with loved ones to ensure it will ward off discord and disappointment. These individuals are sympathetic to the human condition. In other words, it means that these natives do everything in a selfish way and humbleness becomes their last option. hobbies, I don't usually watch astrology videos. It is associated with completion and unity. In the natural chart, the twelfth house corresponds to Pisces. So, embrace this time and let it guide you toward personal growth and enlightenment. Mercury is the ruler of natural 3rd house sign Gemini, which governs the level of courage as per Vedic astrology. A Mercury in Pisces transit signifies a desire to discover the unknown, to work with people from diverse cultures, to have an open mind about controversial issues, and then set an example for others. . Classical Sources Used: BPHS, Saravali, Brihat Jataka, Lal Kitab, Yavan Jataka. Muhammad [PBUH] was most akin to Jesus [PBUH], who is coming back, and the best of people will be under protection of Jesus [PBUH]. His ability to discern multiple levels of information and layer them within the context of the the individual is amazing. With that being said, they support religious or spiritual principles when expressing themselves which often gives them great respect. In addition to that, they may also become physically weak which deprives them of the ability to stand against the opposition. Mercury in Pisces produces an unusually vivid imagination and a highly intuitive mindset. When this person is an astrologer, schooled by skilled astrologers such as Chris Brennan and Nick Dagan Best, I feel very fortunate to have happened upon him. That is verbal communication will never feel funkier. Thanks. They often talk about morals and what is right or wrong. With Mercury in Pisces, our minds are open to the mystical and the unknown, making us susceptible to creative inspiration and intuitive insights. Mercury is curious and agile. However, people with this placement can have . Patrick is an excellent astrologer and will provide you guidance and insight. The articles on this site are informative and do not encourage taking specific decisions nor guarantee outcomes. When it comes to this combination of Mercury, the general effect is that they communicate in a very different way. It means that Sun is in Cancer while Moon is in Leo zodiac signs in a natal birth chart. The Mercury in Pisces woman is exceptionally caring and loyal. Interesting article. I highly recommend a reading with Patrick. Mercury in Pisces often feels confused in the world. Mercury often goes retrograde. One of the negative traits of the Pisces Mercury is that this placement might be manipulative. Therefore, they are naturally very talented in activities where their intuition and imagination are highly valued. I had an amazing consultation with Patrick and his reading truly resonated with me. Pisces, which is the 12th sign in Vedic astrology, represents foreign lands. Thank you for the comment. Mercury placed in pieces 7th house from virgo acendent. I gained so much insight into some of my recent struggles and what may be causing them from an astrological perspective. However, matters with fallen planets are not as they seem at a first glance. Its an opportunity to listen to our intuition, tap into our creative potential, and connect with our spirituality. Looking forward to read many more!!! Hence, this disposition of Mercury from its home supports them in succeeding in the world of spirituality and other similar imaginative creations. However, the holistic influences of his chart helped him to use maths and science in order to explain his theories and inventions to common people. With Mercury in Pisces, people can find outlets in various creative expressions, including music, art, writing, photography, and dance. This transit invites us to go beyond the limits of rational reasoning and explore how our linear, logical mind can be in service to our intuition. Mercury in Pisces women are very full of compassion, more so than any other zodiac sign in their ability to feel sympathy or empathy for people. Mercury in Pisces is more empathetic and less detail-oriented, so they are sometimes better at counseling and talking through less tangible issues and topics. I'm. She is into men who have a creative, playful and intelligent personality, which she will try to get by being seduced by their charm and charisma. of skill and inner abilities which If disciplined will directly lead to, well unknown limits, Your email address will not be published. When they encounter a problem, theyre likely to find the answer in something completely unrelated, or in a dream. The singer has Mercury In Pisces , Venus in Taurus and the moon in Leo Fergie: Boom Boom Pow Stacy Ann Ferguson (a.k.a. Ive been attracted to astrology for about 30 years, mostly via friends in the field. The best expression of this energy is letting the wisdom of the unconscious pour into your words and thoughts. They have a unique perspective of the world and can often see beyond the mundane. I also learned how various parts of my natal chart represented things outside myself such as people, places, and things. You will be able to see things from a better perspective than you would have been able to before the transit began. This placement accentuates their compassion, imagination, and intuition. We also use third-party cookies that help us analyze and understand how you use this website. The Mercury in Pisces woman has a kind of mental manipulation ability, but she only wants to help and never uses it to hurt someone else. However, you might be too afraid of missing out on something if you choose the other thing. A Mercury in Pisces woman is known for her sensitivity, empathy, and emotional intelligence. However, with the proper support and self-awareness, she can overcome these challenges and unleash her full potential. By the word debilitated, Mercury in Pisces seem to represent negative effects only. If you are overwhelmed, you might find yourself escaping to your fantasy world. 4) I accept Patrick Watsons right to refuse service and provide a full refund on the basis of my questions validity or other ethical concerns. If this fortunate combination occurs, then it can produce extremely good outcomes from the significations that were mentioned earlier. Pisces is Latin for fish. At the same time the 12th zodiac sign Pisces is about imagination, optimism, hopes, dreams, and visualization. In other words, they can support religious views but never follow them in the first place. With this placement, your creativity knows no bounds. Black Irish Descent. Im from Brazil and I am Sun, Venus and Mercury Pisces man. I find it still quite difficult to to connect the physical and non-physical worlds and it takes much effort to put my thinking into words, and creating overall structure, but there has been progress. With Saturn entering Pisces and Pluto entering Aquarius - two signs known for their absurdity - expect some unusual and historical historical events. Mercury, in the sign of Pisces, allows us to take a more theoretical methodology regarding communication and reasoning. Dont forget that this placement too should be interpreted in the context of the horoscope as a whole. It is not said in vain that the one who makes mistakes and learns is wiser than those who do not make any mistakes. It is rare in life to meet someone with a keen intellect, sensitive interpersonal communication, a wellspring of. There is good luck through large institutions and spiritual development. Learn how your comment data is processed. This category only includes cookies that ensures basic functionalities and security features of the website. Pisces Zodiac Sign (Pisces Dates: February 18 - March 19) During Mercury in Pisces With Mercury transiting your own sign, your sensitive, imaginative, intuitive nature can be fully expressed. I think my best goal are m my musical and my memory wich is quite good and before I reached 22 it was even better. With thanks to my sponsors! The astrological cause for the timidness and technical malfunctions is the debilitated Mercury in his birth chart. She may also find it challenging to assert herself and speak her truth. (He was also super nice to me, a non english speaker. This is so apt and very good narration. Mercury Transit in Pisces. In astrology, Mercury represents the way we think and reason, the way we speak and communicate, saying something about our interests, skills and hobbies, our sense of humor. The Sanskrit name for Mercury is Budha, meaning one who is clever or intelligent. From March 2-19, 2023, Mercury will move through this mystical and creative sign. Whether this is through tarot readings, astrology readings, or consulting a life coach, they need to feel connection with some higher entity that gives them guidance and direction when its needed most. Despite her gifts, a Mercury in Pisces woman can struggle with indecision and self-doubt. He answered all my questions with the utmost kindness and respect, and went above and beyond in addressing my concerns in the most helpful way. Its like having a wizards hat full of glittering ideas that never runs out. Therefore, when the energies of this combination are directed effectively, it can support these natives in their undertakings that are related to creativity and imagination. They make great spiritual leaders or teachers because of their ability to enlighten and guide others with their religious or spiritual way of expression. In fact, those with Mercury in this sign are said to have a natural instinct for research and psychology. HIGHLY RECOMMENDED! More importantly, Patrick was fun, personable, and very good at explaining the complicated aspects in a way that made sense. You also have excellent memoryyou remember it when someone hurts you for a long time. I really enjoyed his consultation and. The combination of Mercury in their sign gives their mentality an almost mystical quality, although naturally the Pisces influence means they can also be particularly dreamy and impractical. Mercury in Pisces is a reminder that the world is full of magic and that anything is possible when we listen to our hearts and trust in our gifts. Mercury is in Pisces, the womb of creation, making some magical, life-changing aspects! I walked away from our session with a better sense of who I am as well as my direction in life. He expresses a deep knowledge and understanding not only of the field of astrology, and a persons chart, but the person themselves. People with Mercury in Pisces are highly imaginative and their expression is out of this world as per sidereal Vedic astrology. This is further explained at the end of the article. Mercury in Pisces has the tendency to soak in the entire world's subconscious ideas, and has a strong lack of discernment when it comes to to deciding what thought belongs to us, and what belongs to someone else. People with this placement are very creative and have vivid imagination. It is professional astrologer Patrick Watson who does his job best. The effect of astrology writers like you is priceless. Mercury in Pisces is in a mutable water sign and takes on the qualities of its ruler Jupiter, expansive, visionary and boundless. Mercury can also have a big role. That is, they express themselves in a very unique way which is sometimes hard to understand for the average people. The best example is Albert Einstein, who had a debilitated Mercury, which receives cancellation of debilitation and forms a powerful Yoga. 1. I have never resonated with my astrology chart as much as I do now. Am clear with my thoughts , however i normally dont present in large group Thanks for great article .. Patrick Watson is exceptional! Had a wonderful consultation with Patrick who provided a 360 degree view of my journey. When Mercury is in Pisces, it may mean that your communication style is a little influenced by Pisces traits rather than your sun sign's traits. Hence, this is a time where it's very important to have strong mental boundaries! I highly recommend Patrick. She can pick up on others emotions and thoughts easily, making her an excellent listener and advisor. Out of these cookies, the cookies that are categorized as necessary are stored on your browser as they are essential for the working of basic functionalities of the website.
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